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Party of Anhui School of Administration, China, Visited Osaka City University

Published on Sep 10, 2019


Fourteen professors of Anhui School of Administration visited Osaka City University (OCU) and Professor Tadashi Horiguch and Associate Professor Eisuke Ikuta, both from Graduate School of Human Life Science, OCU, gave lectures on their research at the Cultural Exchange Hall in the Media Center on Thursday 29 August 2019.

After their presentations, many questions, such as “How do the administrations and the farmers work together?”, “Are there enough successors of farmers?” and “Are the disaster prevention drills led by government or organized by citizens?”, were raised by the participants. The event was quite productive and successfully over.

“Origin of One Village One Product Movement and Community Center System” by Professor Tadashi Horiguchi


“Urban Disaster Risk and Community-based Disaster Prevention” by Associate Professor Eisuke Ikuta


Professor Horiguchi and Associate Professor Ikuta with the party of Anhui School of Administration
